Pretty Sweet Air Odor Remover

Dog Odor Remover

Pretty Sweet Air is an incredibly effective dog odor eliminator that neutralizes dog odors from your home. We all love our dogs. But love doesn’t eliminate the odors dogs leave behind. Smelly dog odors get trapped in your home, your carpets, your bed, your sofas, your drapes – pretty much any porous surface. Between wet dog smell, odors brought in from outside, and bad breath, Pretty Sweet Air eliminates all dog odors wherever they’re hiding.

  • Removes all dog odors
  • Fights odors like wet dog, dog sweat, and secretions
  • Absorbs odor, doesn’t mask it
  • Non-Toxic, all-natural, and pet safe
  • Fast acting and long lasting
  • Developed and manufactured in the United States

Get Rid of Dog Smell And Keep Your Dog.

Your House Doesn’t Need to Smell Like Your Dog.

When you first got your furry best friend, you probably didn’t imagine how much effort it would take to make your home smelling like a suitable environment for humans. But dogs will be dogs. They like to roll around in dirt, get into everything, and eat whatever is in front of them. Additionally, these four-legged friends emit their own form of B.O. They secrete certain scents through anal glands (gross) and skin oils. Some of these scents can only be picked up by other dogs, but the rest are unmistakably noticeable to humans. Dog smells range from a wet and musty odor to bad breath to an indistinguishable rotten smell; none of which are remotely pleasant. So while you may be crazy about your four legged friend, you probably aren’t too crazy about the smell they’re leaving all over your house.

There is an answer to removing the unpleasant dog odor in your home. You and your dog can live peacefully and odor free thanks to Pretty Sweet Air. Pretty Sweet Air is not an air freshener that works by covering up odors. It offers a long lasting and effective solution for eliminating those unpleasant dog smells once and for all by drawing odor out from porous surfaces and absorbing odor molecules. With our odor remover, you won’t have to worry every time your dog even gets near the furniture. You also won’t have to watch guests wrinkle their noses because of your dog odor. You can rest assured that Pretty Sweet Air helps your home steer clear of funky smelling dog odors. So, the first thing you need to do when trying to make your dog smell better because of your dog is get some Pretty Sweet Air.

Dog On Rug

All natural ingredients

Pretty Sweet Air is an all-natural, pet friendly, non-toxic odor remover product. You’ll find no chemicals or additives that are harmful to people or pets. Pretty Sweet Air is safe for the environment, and safe for use in your home, car, or boat, or business.

  • Lead Free
  • Mercury Free
  • Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Free
  • No Toxins
  • Chlorine Free
  • No Poisons
  • Phosphate Free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • No Paraben
  • No Pesticides
  • NPE (Nonylphenol ethoxylates) Free
  • Known Carcinogens Free
  • No GMOs
  • No Pesticides
  • Alcohol Free
  • Triclosan Free
  • Non-Flammable
  • No Animal Testing
  • Perfluorocctanoic Acid (PFOA) Free
  • No Phthalates
  • Polyuinyl Chloride (PVC) Free
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA) Free
  • No Dyes
  • Sustainable
  • Petroleum Free
  • Phthalate Free
  • All Natural
  • Non Corrosive
  • No EPA Registration Needed
  • Neutral pH
  • 100% Biodegradable
  • Recyclable
  • Made in the USA
Pretty Sweet Air
Dog On Couch

How Does Pretty Sweet Air Eliminate Smells Created By Your Dog?

Dogs are man’s best friend. If your human best friend was leaving their scent all over the house, you’d do something about it. Similarly, you need to do something about your dog’s odor problem. Anywhere your dog goes in your house, they’re going to leave a trail of smelly behind. Anywhere your dog spends a lot of time, like your sofa or rug, or other areas like furniture, mats, and floors can smell like your dog. Urine, feces, dander, fur, even smells from outside can be left behind by your dog. We’re talking about a bunch of different smells in a bunch of different places in your home. You need the best dog odor remover. You need Pretty Sweet Air.

The Problem You love your pup, but your home is paying the price for you having a dog. You need a solution that will solve the odor issue so that you can enjoy your dog. Your dog brings home new and unique smells every time it goes out to play, and therefore you need a product that works consistently and completely. Dog smells hide in furniture that may be too delicate to clean. Your dogs bed may be a stink bomb that no amount of wash cycles can freshen. Your pets toys left around the house can add to the overall dog stench. If you have dogs, you have an odor problem.

The Solution Pretty Sweet Air attracts odor molecules at their source and extinguishes them completely. Most products on the market are designed to mask the odor with things like chemicals and perfumes. These products do nothing to actually eliminate the odor, and in the case of dog odor, air fresheners do not work. Pretty Sweet Air gets to heart of the problem. It extinguishes odor in its tracks before it has the chance spread. Masking is not a permanent solution but eliminating odor is. All you need to do to eliminate dog odor is simply open a container of Pretty Sweet Air near the problem areas and let the product do its work. Pretty Sweet Air can fight and eliminate any dog odor. And because it neutralizes rather than masks, it is effective with all types of dog smells.

The Aftermath Pretty Sweet Air is gentle enough to use near pets and children, but strong enough to cover up to 600 square feet with one can. Depending on the size of the area, it works for about a month to keep your home smelling fresh, with very little effort on your part. The results are a happy and fresh smelling pet filled home.

Dog On Bed

Pretty Sweet Air is one of the strongest odor removers available on the market today. Our product is easy to use, effective, safe, and amazing.

  • Open the Lid

    Open The Lid

    Open Pretty Sweet Air in whatever room you want to remove odors from. For the best results, close all doors or windows in the car or room.

  • Pretty Sweet Air Absorbs Odors

    Absorb Odors

    Once you open the lid, Pretty Sweet Air starts working to attract and trap odor molecules. You’ll see the product shrinking each day as it’s working.

  • Enjoy Fresh Odor Free Air

    Enjoy Fresh Air

    In a room treated with Pretty Sweet Air, you won’t smell any perfumes, scents, or cover-ups. You’ll enjoy truly fresh air from an all natural product.


  • Will Pretty Sweet Air get rid of the dog smell in my furniture and clothing?  

    Yes. Pretty Sweet Air works by neutralizing existing odor wherever they’re hiding and whatever their cause. Whether the smell comes from the furniture, clothing or from your dog, this product will grab it at the source and eliminate it.

  • Will my guests know that I am using Pretty Sweet Air?  

    Your guests will not know that Pretty Sweet Air is there because they will not smell it. They will notice a fresh smelling house and wonder how does a house with a dog smell so good.

  • Is Pretty Sweet Air available at my favorite Pet Store?  

    Currently, Pretty Sweet Air is available online only. But keep checking back as our retail distribution is ramping up.

  • My Dog has a different odor depending on the time of year, can your product adjust to fight varying smells?  

    Yes. The science behind Pretty Sweet Air is unique in that it isn’t formulated for one specific scent. Instead it is set to absorb any and every odor, adjusting with the scent your dog brings to the table on that particular day.

  • What happens if my dog accidentally consumes the product?  

    Pretty Sweet Air is made up of 100% natural ingredients, is non-toxic and safe enough to eat. It is safe to place near pets, kids and allergy-prone individuals.

  • How often do I have to swap out the Pretty Sweet Air canister for a new one?  

    In most cases, we recommend swapping out containers once a month.

  • My dog is always getting into mischief and has been sprayed by a skunk more than once, can you help?  

    Yes. While cleaning a dog after a skunk attack is an arduous task, Pretty Sweet Air will protect the rest of your home from absorbing that smell

  • Can I use the canister in the garage where temperatures get pretty hot in the Summer?  

    Yes. Heat is not a problem when it comes to the effectiveness of Pretty Sweet Air. The product absorbs unpleasant odors, despite the temperature of the surrounding space.