Pretty Sweet Air Odor Remover

Cat Odor Remover

Get rid of cat odor with Pretty Sweet Air, the effective, all-natural cat odor eliminator perfect for homes with cats of any breed. You love your cat, but probably not it’s smell. Where sprays and candles mask cat odors, Pretty Sweet Air eliminates cat odors completely. Before you give up on having an odor free home, try Pretty Sweet Air.

  • Effective at removing cat urine smells from carpet, rugs, and upholstery
  • Eradicates odors from cats or their kitty litter
  • Identifies cat odor molecules and neutralizes them
  • Destroys bad odors instead of masking them
  • Helps fight odor caused from stinky cat food
  • Starts working immediately and offers a long-term solution
  • 100% natural and non-toxic & safe around cats and kids
  • Made in America

Does Your House Smell Like a Giant Litter Box?

Tested and Proven Results with Removing Cat Odors

Cats are great groomers. So when you think of smelly pets, cats don’t typically come to mind first. Then why do cat owners find themselves complaining about that somewhat mild, but definitely present stench? You’ve tried switching up the kitty litter and changing your cat’s diet, but these results don’t last. You’ve tried floral masking sprays and scented candles, but these quick fixes just make it smell worse. These odor removing solutions may help temporarily fix your cat odor problem, but you’re probably reading this because you realize that none of these provide long-term solutions. The truth is, having a cat causes odor. But cat owners shouldn’t have to sacrifice their fresh smelling home for the sake of having a furry friend.

Fortunately for cat owners, Pretty Sweet Air can finally put an end to your cat odor troubles. Pretty Sweet Air offers a more comprehensive solution than any other odor eliminator on the market. This is because it not only absorbs existing smells, it stops them in their tracks preventing them from causing odors. Pretty Sweet Air provides a long-term solution for you and your feline roommate, so that you don’t have to worry about what to do when guests come. Nor do you have to wonder what you will walk into at the end of a long day. Cats add so much joy to their owners lives, you can finally eliminate the odors that can make you frustrated with your cat. From cat vomit smells to stinky hairballs to cat urine odors, Pretty Sweet Air has eliminated just about every odor a cat can produce.

Cat on Bed

All natural ingredients

Pretty Sweet Air is an all-natural, pet friendly, non-toxic odor remover product. You’ll find no chemicals or additives that are harmful to people or pets. Pretty Sweet Air is safe for the environment, and safe for use in your home, car, or boat, or business.

  • Lead Free
  • Mercury Free
  • Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Free
  • No Toxins
  • Chlorine Free
  • No Poisons
  • Phosphate Free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • No Paraben
  • No Pesticides
  • NPE (Nonylphenol ethoxylates) Free
  • Known Carcinogens Free
  • No GMOs
  • No Pesticides
  • Alcohol Free
  • Triclosan Free
  • Non-Flammable
  • No Animal Testing
  • Perfluorocctanoic Acid (PFOA) Free
  • No Phthalates
  • Polyuinyl Chloride (PVC) Free
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA) Free
  • No Dyes
  • Sustainable
  • Petroleum Free
  • Phthalate Free
  • All Natural
  • Non Corrosive
  • No EPA Registration Needed
  • Neutral pH
  • 100% Biodegradable
  • Recyclable
  • Made in the USA
Pretty Sweet Air
Cat on Chair

How Does Pretty Sweet Air Eliminate Cat Odor

Cats are fierce, feisty and independent creatures full of fire and mystery. Yet, cats won’t exactly be willing to cooperate when it comes to your sanitation and odor eliminating efforts. They won’t eagerly take a fragrance rub down, and most definitely won’t take a bath, willingly. Aside from that, their litter is always secreting foul smells, no matter how often you clean it. With Pretty Sweet Air, cat odor has met its match.

The Issue You love your cat, but you don’t love the smells that they can bring. Cat odors will follow your cat around and sink into porous surfaces like your carpets, rugs, and upholstery. And sometimes, you can’t even track down where the smells are coming from! You’ve taken multiple measures to try and reduce the smells, but no solution seems to last. The odor isn’t always obvious. And sometimes, you get used to it; not realizing how badly it really smells. You need a solution that will alleviate these odors and will do so not only fast, but long term as well. You need a cat odor removing solution that identifies the odor at it’s source and destroys it. You need something that is so strong it can get rid of cat urine odor without blinking.

The Fix Pretty Sweet Air is your one-stop shop for all unpleasant feline aromas. It is comprised of a gel like substance that works to destroy molecules into neutral smelling nothingness. Pretty Sweet Air offers a solution that will leave your space smelling fresher than ever, and an air freshener solution that lasts. The reason Pretty Sweet Air stands above the rest of the odor eliminating products is that rather than blanketing the smell with an even stronger fragrance, it absorbs it and extinguishes it. Think of it this way; the only thing that smells worse than stinky cat litter is stinky cat litter mixed with the smell of potpourri. Just open the Pretty Sweet Air canister, place it near the kitty litter or the area that harvests the strongest odors and let it do its job. When used in conjunction with keeping the areas your cat frequents clean and cleaning out your kitty litter regularly, Pretty Sweet Air is an effective solution at removing cat odors from your home.

The Result Once you open a container of Pretty Sweet Air, you’ll notice its effect almost immediately. All you have to do is kick back and relax and your home will smell cat-free in no time. And, because you’re treating your home properly, odors from your cat or their accidents won’t travel through your home. Our revolutionary air freshener absorbs odors at the molecular level, leaving your home odor free.

Angry Cat on Table

Pretty Sweet Air is one of the strongest odor removers available on the market today. Our product is easy to use, effective, safe, and amazing.

  • Open the Lid

    Open The Lid

    Open Pretty Sweet Air in whatever room you want to remove odors from. For the best results, close all doors or windows in the car or room.

  • Pretty Sweet Air Absorbs Odors

    Absorb Odors

    Once you open the lid, Pretty Sweet Air starts working to attract and trap odor molecules. You’ll see the product shrinking each day as it’s working.

  • Enjoy Fresh Odor Free Air

    Enjoy Fresh Air

    In a room treated with Pretty Sweet Air, you won’t smell any perfumes, scents, or cover-ups. You’ll enjoy truly fresh air from an all natural product.


  • Where is the best place to keep the Pretty Sweet Air container?  

    Being that cats don’t typically carry their smells with them, it is best to place the container near the places your cat frequents the most, such as the kitty litter box or the feeding area. Since this area harbors the most intense odor molecules and is likely the source of the problem. Placing the canister here would be the most effective way to fight cat odor.

  • My cat is extremely particular, will the chemically fragrance of your product bother his keen sense of smell?  

    Not at all. Pretty Sweet does not emit odor, it absorbs odor. More than one person in our company could be labeled as a “crazy cat lady” and their cats don’t even notice it’s there.

  • Will Pretty Sweet Air get rid of the cat smell that comes from the cat bed, or cat toys?  

    Yes, it will. Pretty Sweet Air works by detecting odor molecules at their source. Once it tracks those molecules down, Pretty Sweet Air neutralizes them; clearing the of air of the foul smell. The space will smell clean and fresh as a result.

  • What happens if my cat accidentally consumes the product?  

    Nothing at all. Because Pretty Sweet Air is made up of all-natural ingredients, there are no safety concerns or risks associated with its consumption. The product is non-toxic and GMO friendly. It’s perfectly safe for cats. Keep the product anywhere you’d like without fear of safety risks.

  • Will your product fight that nasty smell of canned cat food?  

    Yes. Although you will still get that aroma when the can is opened, Pretty Sweet Air removes the lingering odor cause by cat food.

  • I keep my cat’s litter box in the bathroom where there is a fan running. Will that make Pretty Sweet Air less effective?  

    No, the fan will have no influence on Pretty Sweet Air’s effectiveness at all. In fact, placing it in a bathroom will give you double the benefits – it will absorb the litter smell as well as those other smells that a bathroom emits. Even better, because it is a closed space, the product will be working at its optimal strength and will need to be replaced less often. Pretty Sweet Air has a coverage area of about 600 square feet and in areas even smaller than that, the product can last up to 60 days.

  • Is Pretty Sweet Air available at my veterinarian’s office?  

    Currently Pretty Sweet Air is only available online through our website. But ask your veterinarian to inquire.

  • Will this product work on it's own without changing our cat habits?  

    Yes and no. While Pretty Sweet Air is an effective cat odor eliminator, you still need to do your part to keep your home clean. Make sure you’re cleaning your litter box regularly and vacuuming your home and areas where your cat frequents.

  • Will this get cat urine smell out of carpets?  

    Yes, however you will need to clean your carpets to eliminate any stains.