Pretty Sweet Air Odor Remover

Kitchen Odor Remover

Pretty Sweet Air can clear out kitchen smells and get rid of lingering, leftover odors from cooking. Our odor remover is made up of all-natural ingredients, making it the safest option for kitchens. Don’t settle for air fresheners that cover-up kitchen odors with chemicals and perfumes. Place a can of our gel-based odor absorbing formula on your kitchen counter top and start removing odors today.

  • Removes odors caused by food or garbage residue
  • Absorbs unpleasant odors instead of masking them
  • Helps to neutralize strong cooking smells
  • Non-Toxic and all-natural
  • Safe to keep near food items
  • Fast acting
  • Suitable for large coverage areas
  • Inconspicuous product design
  • Made in USA

In a Kitchen, strong odors come with the territory.

But with Pretty Sweet Air, you’ll have an odor free kitchen.

Whether you are an avid cook or simply use your kitchen as an eating hub, a kitchen is always in use, making it susceptible to all kinds of food odors. While some may be pleasant, others can make your eyes water, having you opening windows and holding your breath. We are all too familiar with the smell of cooked fish, kitchen trash can stink, and musty sink and garbage disposal odors. Then there are also those elusive smells that are almost impossible to even track down. It seems like there is a constant uphill battle with reoccurring and stinky smells that call the kitchen their home.

Fortunately, there’s Pretty Sweet Air, a true kitchen odor remover. It isn’t a cover up spray that masks odors with perfumes or harsh chemicals. Pretty Sweet Air actually absorbs odors and doesn’t just cover them up. And, it’s small size and universal design make it perfect to have right on your kitchen counter top. All you have to do is open up the one-pound container filled with all-natural odor absorbent gel, place it on the kitchen counter, and relax while the product takes care of removing all of those leftover cooking odors.

If the kitchen where your guests and family gather, then you owe it to them to have the kitchen smelling as amazing as possible. With Pretty Sweet Air as your odor-absorbent solution, you no longer have to avoid the kitchen in fear of those pungent and lingering cooking stenches. Get creative and try new things in the kitchen while sparing yourself from the stinky consequences!

Kitchen with Red Pots

All natural ingredients

Pretty Sweet Air is an all-natural, pet friendly, non-toxic odor remover product. You’ll find no chemicals or additives that are harmful to people or pets. Pretty Sweet Air is safe for the environment, and safe for use in your home, car, or boat, or business.

  • Lead Free
  • Mercury Free
  • Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Free
  • No Toxins
  • Chlorine Free
  • No Poisons
  • Phosphate Free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • No Paraben
  • No Pesticides
  • NPE (Nonylphenol ethoxylates) Free
  • Known Carcinogens Free
  • No GMOs
  • No Pesticides
  • Alcohol Free
  • Triclosan Free
  • Non-Flammable
  • No Animal Testing
  • Perfluorocctanoic Acid (PFOA) Free
  • No Phthalates
  • Polyuinyl Chloride (PVC) Free
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA) Free
  • No Dyes
  • Sustainable
  • Petroleum Free
  • Phthalate Free
  • All Natural
  • Non Corrosive
  • No EPA Registration Needed
  • Neutral pH
  • 100% Biodegradable
  • Recyclable
  • Made in the USA
Pretty Sweet Air
Cooking In Skillet

How Does Pretty Sweet Air Eliminate Kitchen Odor?

The kitchen is a constant source of odors, and also one of the last places in which you’d want to deal with unpleasant smells. Eating and stinky stenches don’t exactly go hand in hand. And if you think air fresheners and sprays are a good solution, think again. Your kitchen is the last place you’d want to pollute the air. Air fresheners are just harsh chemical agents that only offer temporary masking of pesky odors while also increasing your risk of exposure to toxic and harmful substances. You need a solution that is neutral enough for food and eating areas, but also strong enough that it actually works. Pretty Sweet Air offers just that and does so in the form of a non-toxic, people and pet friendly odor absorbent solution.

Pretty Sweet Air is not an air freshener, but it does freshen the air by battling odors at their core. Instead of offering a generic blanket of cover-up fabricated smells, it captures the odor from its root and extinguishes its pungency, neutralizing it for your enjoyment. So how exactly does it work?

The Answer Couldn’t be simpler. Open a canister of Pretty Sweet Air and place it in your target area like your kitchen. The odor absorbing agent immediately begins to locate and seize the odor at the source. Using a powerful odor-fighting formula, the product extinguishes the smell, neutralizing the area around it.

Don’t Mask – Destroy Masking odor is not a permanent solution; it is a lazy one. Not only will it be futile in its attempts to solve the problem of a smelly kitchen, it will often even exacerbate the issue. The only thing worse than the smell of leftover fish is the smell of fake flowers on top of it. Don’t settle for a cover up type of solution when you can have a product that actually works.

Simple Despite the intricate scientific formula contained in Pretty Sweet Air, the product is incredibly simple to use. Its inconspicuous nature makes it easy to place wherever your problem area is and all it takes is the twist of a lid.

Safe There are no safety concerns associated with the Pretty Sweet Air product. It’s kid safe; It’s safe for pets. It’s non-toxic. Most importantly, it is exactly the type of product you want to use around food and consumables due to its all-natural ingredient list.

Chopping Cilantro in Kitchen

Pretty Sweet Air is one of the strongest odor removers available on the market today. Our product is easy to use, effective, safe, and amazing.

  • Open the Lid

    Open The Lid

    Open Pretty Sweet Air in whatever room you want to remove odors from. For the best results, close all doors or windows in the room.

  • Pretty Sweet Air Absorbs Odors

    Absorb Odors

    Once you open the lid, Pretty Sweet Air starts working to attract and trap odor molecules. You’ll see the product shrinking each day as it’s working.

  • Enjoy Fresh Odor Free Air

    Enjoy Fresh Air

    In a room treated with Pretty Sweet Air, you won’t smell any perfumes, scents, or cover-ups. You’ll enjoy truly fresh air from an all natural product.


  • Will this get rid of all types of kitchen smells?  

    Pretty Sweet Air attacks any and all strong odors by way of neutralizing them. Whether it be pungent smells leftover from last night’s cooking, or the stench of a full trash can, this product will remove unwanted odors and leave your kitchen smelling clean and fresh.

  • Is it safe?  

    Pretty Sweet Air is kid friendly, pet friendly, and non-toxic.

  • What happens if Pretty Sweet Air falls into my food?  

    Because Pretty Sweet Air is 100% natural, it will cause absolutely no harm if accidentally consumed or if mixed into food. If ingested, it poses no health threats or dangers.

  • I have an open layout and my kitchen is not enclosed, will it still work?  

    Pretty Sweet Air has a coverage area of over 600 square feet, so it can likely provide a solution for the entire kitchen. If you feel you need more support because the air is not contained, you can feel free to place a second container on the other end of the kitchen.

  • My kitchen gets pretty hot while I’m cooking. Will this reduce its effectiveness?  

    No. Pretty Sweet Air will work under both warm and cold conditions. Use your kitchen as you would regularly, just expect a cleaner and fresher smell when you do.

  • How long will Pretty Sweet Air last in a kitchen?  

    While our product usually lasts 30 days, results may vary and are dependent on the level of ventilation in the room. For kitchens contained kitchens, Pretty Sweet Air should last for one to two months. For open kitchens, the results may vary.