Pretty Sweet Air turns a smelly house into a happy home.

Pretty Sweet Air Odor Remover

Home Odors

There’s nothing worse than walking into your home only to be greeted by a nasty smell. Homes can be filled from smells from cigarette smoke, pets, cooking, mold, mildew, and even your own body. And these odors are often sticky. They stick to the walls, the ceilings, the rugs, the drapes, and furniture. Lucky for your home there’s Pretty Sweet Air. Pretty Sweet Air is not an air freshener. It’s a true odor eliminator and what every house needs to smell like a home. Even the cleanest homes can have hidden odors, and Pretty Sweet Air is there to remove them all.

  • Basement Odor Remover

    Basements are the perfect spot in your home for damp, musty smells caused by mold and mildew to fester. Removing the musty basement odor smell starts with Pretty Sweet Air. We’ll keep your musty basement smelling fresh without perfumes or cover-ups.

    More about Basement Odor Remover
  • Fireplace Odor Remover

    Fires are an amazing addition to any home. They add warmth, ambiance, and occasionally a lingering smell of soot, ash, and creosote. The latter is no fun at all. If you’re smelling your fireplace when it’s not in use, or when it’s raining or the humidity is high, you need Pretty Sweet Air to eliminate the smell and extinguish your fireplace odors.

    More about Fireplace Odor Remover
  • Kitchen Odor Remover

    Kitchen filled with leftover odors? While food smells great when you’re cooking it, those lingering smells in your kitchen can be nasty. Pretty Sweet Air works by attracting and removing odor molecules, not by covering up odors by adding more pollutants to the air. If you have a kitchen, and if you cook, you need Pretty Sweet Air.

    More about Kitchen Odor Remover